Month November 2021

Top Tips for Indoor Gardening and Outdoors Gardening

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If you don't already have a garden, you may be thinking if an indoor or outdoor garden is the best option for your situation. It's understandable that you'd have a look at both possibilities, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you don't know the difference between indoor and outdoor gardening, you can't make an informed selection.

The Top 13 Benefits of Gardening

The benefits of gardening are astounding. Gardening provides a multitude of mental health benefits, from stress relief to emotional stability. It can also be used for serious healing from PTSD and other illnesses that often go untreated, such as clinical depression and anxiety disorders. With gardening, you can get a lot done without spending too much time inside. Plus, it's a cheap hobby with a huge payoff because you get to enjoy fresh produce right from your own garden!

14 top tips on how to water your orchids

Growing orchids can be a difficult task. As part of  our series of orchid care tips, we will teach you the key points on how to successfully water your orchid so that it can continuously thrive.