Category Scrapping

Origins of Christmas and Christmas Waste

clear long stem drinking glass

A bit of History Its that time of year again, where we eat too much and moan. But what are the origins of Christmas and how much does it contribute to waste? The tradition of Christmas, which commemorates the birth…

Scrapping Transformers

Introduction Transformers offers a ready source of income and scrapability for the hobbyist scrapper. There are usually heavy and they will (for the most part) contain copper, the scrappers gold, and iron. You have the option of leaving the transformer…

Repurpose, Don’t Always Scrap.

green and white press drill on table

The workshop or shed is an excellent location for repurposing goods that were originally planned for disposal in a landfill. You can always contribute the goods described in the following paragraphs to friends, schools, stores, or youth centres, even if…

Scrap Metal Thieves Stoop to New Low

Scrap metal has always attracted a seedier side of society. And despite laws trying to prevent illegal activities, it remains a problem. It also detracts from the hobby, as potential genuine scrappers may be deterred in case they are wrongly…

Scrap Island gets new steel recycling plant

The locally known Scrap Island, or Duisburg inland port in Germany has a new state of the art steel recycling plant in a place becoming synonymous with recycling. As reported by several sources including Greensteelworld and Recycling-magazine. TSR Recycling with…