Tabletop Christmas trees.

Is the idea of putting up a massive Christmas tree overwhelming??? What if there are more tasks than hours in a day? Are you and your loved ones going on a vacation for the holidays after spending months apart? If any of the following is true, then the prospect of a Christmas tree and decorations for whatever winter holiday celebration works for you may be too much for you. There is nothing I enjoy more than decorating for the holidays, but oh, the labour!

This year’s holiday decorating trend is all about slashing the size, type, and amount of decorations you use. There are several reasons to avoid a huge fuss, including as allergies, cats climbing trees, dogs chomping on garland or candles, the mess of fallen leaves or needles, and space limitations due to shrinking homes.

yellow string lights on green christmas tree

Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree can be brought into the home in a variety of ways that do not need the normal amount of time and labour. There are companies that may be hired to put up any type of décor, including a tree. You may buy a pre-decorated tree online and have it delivered to your home, or you can bribe a few youngsters to do it for you. My favourite way to avoid the hassle of setting up an enormous, time-consuming Christmas tree is to utilise a tabletop tree.

You can’t go wrong with tabletop trees; they’re adorable. They can be used as a Christmas tree for the family or as a decorative accent in any room of the house. It doesn’t matter what kind of potted plant you have. This type of plant is available from a wide range of garden centres and nurseries. The use of painted branches, cut foliage, and artificial shapes like tomato cages fashioned into Christmas Gnomes are also more ideas for tabletop decorations to get your creative juices flowing.

Choose a tabletop tree based on where you intend to plant it. You can try a Norfolk Island Pine, a small palm, or a brightly coloured croton if you want to preserve the tree as a houseplant. Keep your tabletop tree with the same care as any other plant in your home.

After the holidays, tabletop trees that can be planted in the spring are also a wonderful option. Although various sizes may fit the intended space, a size under 3 feet works for the vast majority of places. There’s a lot of wiggle room when it comes to choosing a plant that will blend in with your surroundings. Rosemary, juniper, and Leyland cypress are also good options, as are native holly, red cedar, and Christmas tree varieties.

Tabletop trees require special attention, so here are a few pointers. Opt for a spot with good light, but not direct sunlight, if you’re working indoors. When putting up the tree, make sure that the air vents, whether they’re heating or cooling, don’t blow on it. To avoid damaging the tree, only decorate it with a few modest decorations and a few lights. If you intend to place the tree outside after the holidays, keep it in the house as long as feasible. As soon as possible after the holiday season, transplant the plant outside.

In order to create a festive environment for the holidays, add some greenery into your home and decorate.

The original author Carol Cloud Bailey is a landscape counselor and horticulturist. Send questions to or visit for more information.

This article has been adapted from the originally appearing on Treasure Coast Newspapers: Florida gardening: Holiday decorations and tabletop trees

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